Into The Spider-Verse (2018) Review — The Best Spider-Man Movie Ever

Brayden Sylva
2 min readDec 10, 2021

As I was redoing my rewatching of the past Spidey films for No Way Home, I wondered if I should only stick to the live action Spidey films because No Way Home is live action and it’s been confirmed by some producers that Miles won’t be featured in No Way Home. But I do think live action Miles Morales will be coming soon in Sony and Marvel’s future plans and also this helped No Way Home in their development. Multiverse has always been a thing in Marvel Comics and in the 90s Spider-Man cartoon, the series finale they had involved a multiverse storyline and in the comics, Dan Slott’s “Spider-Verse” book came out in 2014 which also had an influence on this movie. Into the Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie, one of the best animated movies ever, and is one of the greatest comic book movie ever made. Sony would have been an idiot to not do multiverse in No Way Home after this film and luckily, the Marvel Cinematic Universe were already developing their own multiverse plans.

No Way Home owes huge thanks to Into the Spider-Verse and so much of the praise you heard about this movie is true. It’s a really fantastic movie and it’s a hard bar to top that even some fans are worried the sequel, Across the Spider-Verse, might not top it. The animation, voice acting, writing, and direction are great. This is about Miles Morales becoming Spider-Man and while they do things for the other great characters in this movie, they never forget that this is Miles' film. Into the Spider-Verse does so many things right that the complaints about the film has been very small.

I know some felt Peni Parker was done incorrectly and got the short end of the stick and in some ways that is true as she is bit stereotypical. While I love what they did with the villain, Kingpin, in this film, I did think his design was a bit odd in some scenes. But that’s a nitpick and other than that, I don’t really have an issue with this film. Into the Spider-Verse is a 5 out of 5 stars film. Which is very rare.

I love all Spider-Man films and none of the live action films have come close to this and that’s okay. Into the Spider-Verse is one of the few films I consider to be a masterpiece and I’m so glad it happened. This film helped paved the way in new breathtaking animation and has definitely helped paved the way for future superhero stories, both animated and live action. Go check it out if you haven’t.



Brayden Sylva

Native Hawaiian-Samoan. Bisexual. He/Him/She/Her. Born in 99. I have ADHD and DID. Actor/Screenwriter/Director.